Ok, your business is in debt.
Creditors are being ruthless.
It’s hurting you in every way, it’s hurting your family, creditors are calling your customers – maybe they’ve attempted to freeze your bank account, or succeeded.
And then, a distant voice on the phone is telling you that you can “protect” assets – maybe even form a shell company.
Just stop right now – isn’t that crazy thinking under pressure?
Are you the rich person with a few hundred grand under the mattress that can actually pull that off, or pay the legal consequences if it doesn’t work? Let’s think again together – your creditors are after you – and you’re going to attempt to hide assets?
Just don’t do it – hang up the phone. Yes, things are bad. Don’t make them worse.
Here is what we have found that works: Good faith, honest negotiation with your creditors – no tricks – just a minimal budget you can afford and the truth.
Doesn’t that sound better?
We’ll send you a customized report with our most recent settlements with your exact creditors.
You won’t believe what is possible.
We have negotiated with over 6,000 different business creditors nationwide.
We’ve re-negotiated over 50,000 commercial debts!
To learn more or get in contact with us click here
Note/Disclaimer: We are not lawyers nor do we offer legal advice. Our views are based upon years of experience negotiating new affordable payment terms for commercial debts. As always, consult an attorney for legal advice.